
5 Ways to Be Thankful NOT Stressed

Are you too stressed to be thankful?

Preparing for a big event or gathering of family and friends can rip that thankful spirit right from under you as you get stressed right out of your mind!

It really doesn’t have to be like that.

Choosing to have gratitude as a lifestyle is one way that will slow your pace as you learn to be thankful.

It seems hard.

But you can do hard.

I  know you can!!

So find a quiet space and time (be creative on this) to culture a thankful heart. You’ll find a moment of calm in the middle of your busy life.

There are 5 ways that I am going to share with you, not because these are the only ways to be thankful but because they will get you thinking of your own ways to be thankful.

5 Ways to BE Thankful, NOT Stressed

It is a blessing to raise children but for most of us, it also comes with stress. Some of it is created by all those bundles of rambunctious energized kids bouncing off the walls from the moment the sun comes up!

The amazing thing is that sometimes they are still bouncing long after bedtime!

For a tired mama, that can make you stressed even though you are loving it.

Maybe your kids are grown and you have other things that happen to bring stress into your life.

YOU are why I am sharing my thoughts on how to turn stress into a thankful heart.

So needed, isn’t it?!

1. Find a Quiet Spot

Ha! Impossible when you have a houseful of littles! Whether those littles are your own children or grandbabies, it can get hectic!

  • Shut the bathroom door and spend some time with your Bible and the Lord.
  • Get up earlier than the rest of your household to spend 15-30 minutes in the presence of God.
  • Make a ‘War Room’ where you can get alone to think and pray.  When my kids were little, I made one under the stairs where I have my pantry.
  • In your car (at least the kids are buckled into their seats)!

2. Pray for a Thankful Heart

You can be so stressed that it is hard to really feel thankful.

Yes, basically you can be thankful for your home, husband, kids, and other things in your life . . . but the stress is so deep that you don’t feel deep thankfulness in your heart.

God can change that when you ask Him to culture thankfulness in your heart.

God loves us when we ask for Him to work in our lives.

When we stop praying for things and start praying for spiritual growth in our lives. Communion with Him. He loves that!!

3. Bible Verses that Slow Your Pace

I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. (Psalm 9:1)

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness. (Psalm 107:8-9)

Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. (Psalm 95:2-3)

 4. Be a Scribe and Write it Down

Writing down 3 things that you are thankful for each day will stretch and grow you.

It will make you more aware and intentional about becoming a more thankful woman.

It lifts your thoughts and hearts up to God in praise.

5. Do Something Creative that Demonstrates Thankfulness

There are so many ways that you can culture a thankful heart.

When you do something creative that demonstrates thankfulness, you will find yourself being more intentionally thankful.

You will even notice little things in nature, or in your children as gifts from God.

  • The dead leaves falling to the ground in Autumn!
  • A bear cub crossing the road in front of your car (true story!)
  • A 5-point buck standing proudly in the middle of the woods!
  • The cute little nose on your son!
  • Your hard-working husband!

Transform your mindset to gratitude in 30 days with the Gratitude Journaling Workbook that will teach you to have a daily gratitude attitude!!

Get the Gratitude

Journaling Workbook

Gratitude is hard when your attitude is suffering! That’s why you NEED this for your Quiet Time with Jesus!

You’ll GET:

  • Bible Reading Plan!
  • Journaling Pages!
  • Gratitude List!
  • Bible Verses Printable!
  • Frameable Verse Printable!
  • Journaling Art Page!

Slow down and make your own list. Get alone somewhere so you can turn your list into praise that you offer up to God.

If you have a busy season of your life with family and friends gathering for an occasion, just getting alone each day to slow your pace and be thankful will chase your stress away.

How did this resonate with you today, or speak to your heart? How will you slow your pace and be thankful not stressed?

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  1. Thanks so much Jennifer! I’m glad these are some of your favorites. Mine too. I hope your week is also filled with gratitude.

  2. Good morning – thanks for the verses! All of the suggestions are good ones and helpful…but I love to have a group of verses to keep on hand – these are some of my favorites! Have a wonderful (gratitude filled) week ahead!

  3. Oh, we need this! The season of celebration is coming but sometimes it could get so stressful. Thank you for these tips.

    1. Hi Lux! Do I ever know how stressful it can become this time of year. I shared this out of my experience. I am sure that you could add to this too!

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