Giving the Powerful Gift of Words this Christmas

Words can be the most powerful gift we give this Christmas and yet, their importance is often forgotten.

You might be rushing around like a caffeinated version of Martha trying to get all your gifts purchased without overspending.

Yet, once you discover the value of words, you might spend less time stressing over what to buy and more time finding how to give your words as a gift this year.

Have you noticed that you don’t get as many Christmas cards and letters as you once did? You might not even send cards out anymore.

I must admit that my friends never got a card or letter from me last year. That is about to change!

The words we share in a card with our friends and relatives are the most powerful gift you will give this Christmas. Even if it is sent out after New Year’s Day when life calms down.

Words Can Destroy

You might have a life filled with words that destroyed you. Words are powerful and the tongue can cause you to spiral down into the pit of depression.

You might know that the things said to you are not true but your emotions believe the lies.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Even if you have experienced the negative power of words, you can turn that around by reaching out to encourage and comfort someone else.

Words Can Uplift

Jesus was the Master at using words to uplift, comfort, and empower others. His words are Living Words that burn within our hearts and souls. His spirit, we are filled to overflowing so that we can pass that on this Christmas.

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:11


“The JOY of Jesus abides in you so that you are filled up with His  JOY!!” ~Judith Kowles~

These are words right from Jesus encouraging and uplifting our hearts. He intends for His words to bring us joy.

The joy that we can pass on to others we know and meet.

Practically Speaking

I love to give gifts but who would have thought that the most valued gift are words?!

I could have saved myself some money!

I am going to challenge you today to make this practical. To actually be intentional about gifting your words this Christmas.

Here are different ways you can do this:

  • You can send a Christmas card. But don’t just send any old card. Choose one carefully to send to your list of friends and relatives. What does it say on the outside of the card? How about what it says on the inside? My favorite this year was a package of cards I picked up without words on the inside. I had to figure out what to say!
  • You can send a Christmas letter. I did this for years, newsletter style and shared what our family did during the past year. I love hearing from friends that I haven’t seen in years. This is a good way of keeping in touch. You can have so much fun with this if you are creative. Sometimes I wonder if people slow down these days to read Christmas letters.
  • You can send a Christmas email. I have seen this happening more and more with the price of postage going up. It works well but there is nothing better than getting an actual letter in your mailbox!
  • You can send a Private Message on Facebook. I am always amazed at how friends have opened up about their deepest struggles and tragedies they have experienced in response to a heartfelt note on Messenger. I really think people are missing the true friendships that have been lost in our cyber-world of social media.
  • You can pick up your phone and make a call! Yep! You can still call someone on the phone. I know. But who does? Sad, isn’t it?!

Watch Giving The Powerful Gift of Words this Christmas and transform how you see Christmas giving this year!

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The Holidays Can Be So Discouraging

Family get-togethers should be wonderful but too often are filled with tension and stress. Let’s be honest. Relatives don’t always see eye-to-eye with the decisions you have made for your kids or family. They can be the ones most filled with negativity and with that, the words often flow.

Negative words can suck the life right out of you!

Let you and me be the ones this year to breathe powerful life-giving words into our family and friends. Words are such a gift.

As you craft the words in your Christmas card, letter, email, Facebook message, phone call or text, or face-to-face, let our giving be powerful words that breathe life because we met with Jesus that morning.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

The key thing is to slow down so you have the time to gift your powerful Holy Spirit-breathed words.

Do you have another idea on how to gift your words this Christmas? Maybe you have a favorite Bible verse to suggest that will be a good gift this year.

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CHRISTMAS ROUND-UP: Read more Christmas posts HERE!!

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  1. I like this! This is a great idea! The Bible says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
    ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:21‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    Our words have an impact on our lives and others. Even written words! 2020 has been a very different year from when you wrote this and I think it’s very fitting for Christmas gifts this year.

    1. Beth, Yes, 2020 was a very different year but whether times are good or not-so-good our words are powerful and will can be a gift. Thanks so much for sharing.

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