How To Face Your Trials with Joy

Hot To Face Your Trials with Joy

Facing your trials with joy is an unnatural thing to do. James is writing this letter to encourage Believers on how to face your trials with joy.

Welcome to the study of the book of James!! I am so glad that you are here and I hope you will be totally blessed beyond anything that you could ever imagine!

I hope that you will take advantage of the resources that I am including in this study. There is a worksheet for each week to help you apply what you are learning. I might even include some Bible Journaling Art ideas to stretch your study to a new level.

I want this study of the book of James to be an encouragement for moms. We need to get into God’s Word in order to stay close to Jesus but you might only have 15 to 20 minutes before moving on with your day.

Let’s dig right in!

How To Study James

You may grab your Journaling Through James Bible Reading Plan here and SOAK it in over the next 31 Days. Some days there are more verses to read and study than others depending on what the verse is about. That’s OK.

James Bible Reading Plan


I encourage you to use a notebook or the Journaling Through James Workbook available through His Unmeasured Grace.

These journals are designed to help you learn how to approach the Bible by guiding you through what you record.

I also always love encouraging you to worship God through creative journaling art. You don’t have to be artistic, just express your love to God through doodling in your Bible or a notebook.

The journals I have created allow room for copying Bible verses as well as writing about the passage.

I love doing them myself and I think you will too!

Digging Deeper: James 1:1-18

Key Verse: Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.(James 1:12)

Start by reading this passage slowly. I like to read it through a couple times to be sure what I am reading renews my mind and heart. (Romans 12:2)

Typically, it is easy to look at trials as something ‘bad’ that is evil and has nothing ‘good’ in it. Instead, I want to suggest that you look at your trials as something good from God.

The whole purpose of our difficulties in life is so that God can work a faith producing steadfastness in you.

1. Face Your Trials with Prayer

The book of James teaches us faith-strengthening lessons on how to walk with Christ. One of the ways you can do this is through prayer. If you look closely at the verses in this passage, you will see how you can look to God in prayer when life is difficult. It doesn’t exactly say to pray, so look again if  you didn’t notice it.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. (James 1:5-6)

  • PRAY when you need direction and WISDOM!
  • PRAY with FAITH and do not waver!

The person who doubts is like the surging sea. Trials can sure seem like the waves are coming at you from all directions and are crashing against you with tremendous pressure.

2. Face Your Trials with Joy

Here is an example that might resonate with you in the present or from your past.

You have a bunch of littles, your house is in disarray, and maybe your husband’s patience with you is nowhere to be seen!

Let’s be real. Marriage isn’t always perfect like the fairy-tale says. Every day might look quite different than the happiness you experienced on your wedding day.

Far from it!

Chances are, your trials are connected to your marriage somehow.

We’ve had the footing drains fail around our house which meant it had to be dug up like a moat around the entire structure.

I don’t remember if this was one of ‘our times’ or not but when huge unexpected expenses occur, a marriage is put to an extreme test.

Tell me I’m wrong!

James (the half-brother of Jesus) is being very real here. He knows you, his reader, is under a lot of pressure with trials that go beyond endurance.

Nevertheless (I love that word) he is encouraging you (and so am I) to hang-in-there and have GREAT JOY when you are experiencing all sorts of trials!



You need to know that through experiences like this, you will grow exponentially and your faith will produce STEADFASTNESS.

So amazing!!

Get your Journaling Through James Workbook by Judith Kowles and give yourself grace in the fails of mom-life!

Journaling Through James

A man who endures trials is blessed, because when he passes the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. James 1:12


So take heart and look at the surging sea as an experience that will grow you closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Has this faith-study been an encouragement to you? Share how it has been blessing and growing you as you walk with Christ through life’s trials.


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  1. Thank you Judith this has been very encouraging for me, and in hindsight I can see how God blesses us after our trials He is so good to us❤️

    1. Sharon, I am so thankful that God has used this post to encourage your heart. You are such an encouragement to me also. I am praying for you!!

  2. Although my”littles” are in their 30’s and their littles are in their teens, this teaching has been a blessing to me! I thank you!

    1. Hi Wanda! Funny how they grow up so fast. I am really thankful that this has been a blessing for you.

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