5 Ideas that Will Revive Your Enthusiasm


Have you ever lost your enthusiasm for something that gave you joy and happiness?

You were so excited to start kindergarten but soon you were anxiously waiting for summer.

You so wanted to get pregnant and then you just wanted your cute baby to arrive so you could wear your skinny clothes again (if you’d only known!)

Your baby arrives and you can’t wait until she sleeps through the night . . . and then stops teething.

Have you ever waited for months for that amazing vacation to happen only to want to go home about two-thirds the way through it?

We are forever wanting to move into the next season of our life!

But . . .

Sometimes . . .

You are teaching Sunday School (or homeschooling) or teaching that Bible study . . .

And you have lost the enthusiasm for the ministry that God has called you to.

When you are lacking the joy and happiness that you once had for the things God has called you to do, there are 5 ideas that might revive your enthusiasm.

First, stop for a moment and read Isaiah 40:25-31

God Never Loses His Enthusiasm

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord,
The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength. Isaiah 40:28-29

When you are feeling weary, think of how God is never weary. He never loses His enthusiasm for anything.

God is never too tired for you. He is always waiting to hear your complaint poured out before Him. It is through expressing your troubles to God that He is able to answer your cry and help you.

He is a God of solutions.

5 Ideas that Will Revive Your Enthusiasm

1. Get Alone and Rest

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

If you have children in the home, you will have to find someone who can watch them. Your husband? Do you have a trusted sitter? If I had been able to do this while raising our kids, what a difference it would have made for me!

  • Go to a coffee-cafe where you won’t see your laundry!
  • When you’re bogged down in the daily grind of routine, you can’t see your way and it can get messy!
  • Step back and regroup

2. Think Back to Your First Day

Time goes by and we forget how excited we were on our first day of parenting, homeschooling, job or ministry. Monotony dulls our enthusiasm as moment follows days, months and years.

  • Re-ignite your first excitement
  • Read a motivational book that will refuel your passion for parenting, homeschooling, job or ministry that you once had.
  • Listen to videos that will stir your heart once more. Try looking on You Tube.

3. Learn Something New

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19

When you stop reading the Bible, you start to lose your passion for God. The same goes when we stop learning in the area that we have lost our enthusiasm.

4. Change-Up Your Routine

When you lose enthusiasm for something you once were passionate about and love, it becomes mind-numbing and dull.

Be flexible. Change-up your routine by doing your tasks in a totally different order. Often that can be exactly what will ignite your love for what became uninteresting.

When your kids are stressing you, take a walk or sit down and read them a story. Do something that will help to relax the rising strain between you and them.

5. Learn Your Strengths

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Ephesians 6:10

No ability you have comes from you alone. It is given to you by God.

If God has called you to a ministry, it would never be His will for you to lose your enthusiasm for your work.

When a couple gets married, there will be seasons where they don’t feel in love like when they were just married. Love is not an emotion but rather a choice.

Enthusiasm is much like love and you might not always feel like being enthusiastic. When you look to God to empower you with His strength through the power of His might, you will make a baby step towards having the right attitude. Enthusiasm will come as you are obedient to continue being faithful to what God has called you to do.

In Summary

Losing your enthusiasm can make you feel like fainting.

I love finding the word faint in the Bible. It is often in the same verse as ‘wait’ as we are encouraged not to faint but to wait on the Lord.

God will revive your heart and give you the strength to go on as you apply any of these ideas that I shared with you today.

What encouraged you from this week’s Bible reading? Do you write in a journal or do you get creative with Bible journaling art?

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    1. Susan, I’m so thankful that you could be encouraged by what I shared. Have a wonderfully blessed day!

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