
How to Embrace Usefulness as an Empty Nest Mom

Welcome to the Empty Nest Series!

If you’re a normal mom, the thought of entering the ‘Empty Nest’ years might bring thoughts of anxiety as change looms just over the horizon. You might be entering retirement or be fairly young but either way, you’re unsure whether a quiet home and empty schedule is what you’re looking for. We will explore what this might look like as you find your new normal. It’s important to rediscover who you are apart from your identity as a mom, yet still wholeheartedly confident that you are enough in Christ.

Would you like updates and tips to help you embrace grace in the journey? We would love to hear from you! Get in touch here!

How to Embrace Usefulness as an Empty Nest Mom

Embrace Usefulness as an Empty Nest Mom

Life doesn’t stop once your last child leaves home. Life as an empty nest mom can be filled with meaning and direction as you embrace usefulness and discover your new identity in Jesus.

Does the word Empty Nest stir up feelings of Anxiety and Uncertainty?

Find hope for your life as an empty nester with time-tested tips!

The transition to an empty nest can stir up feelings of anxiety and uncertainty after you’ve spent years centered around raising your kids.

You can stagnate with grief over the loss of the past years raising your kids. What if you looked forward to a new and wonderful season focusing on finding your new identity in Christ instead?

It’s perfectly normal to have emotions marking your transition to an empty nester.

Whether you’re experiencing:

  • Fear and Anxiety!
  • Sadness!
  • Excitement about your unknown future!
  • Overwhelm!

You can embrace usefulness for your new season as an empty nest mom instead of satisfying the tendency of doing whatever you please.

Thought to Ponder . . .

An “empty nest” doesn’t mean an empty heart or empty purpose. This special season of life is an opportunity for growth, deepening your walk with Jesus, and rediscovering who you are apart from motherhood, yet wholeheartedly satisfied in Christ.

Listen as I share How to Embrace Usefulness as an Empty Nest Mom – Thank you for subscribing to my channel!!

1. How to embrace usefulness as an empty nest mom

As a Christ-following mom, there’s so much purpose during the years of raising your kids. You want them to grow up to follow Jesus, so everything you do points to that end.

When your first child left home, it was probably difficult (not for your child) but there’s a finality when the last one moves out.

Your identity and purpose for living were undoubtedly wrapped up in everything related to motherhood.

Now what?!

What are you going to do with your time?

If you’re already into your empty nest years, have you found a new purpose for living that satisfies your soul?

Maybe your newfound freedom quickly filled your days with hobbies and activities you haven’t had time for in years.

Although those things have their place, it’s also a season to embrace usefulness that touches the lives of others.

Here are some ways to touch others:

  1. Take a meal to a sick/injured friend!
  2. Send a card to an elderly person!
  3. Send a care package to your child!
  4. Meet a friend at a coffee shop!
  5. Take up a new hobby!
  6. Workout with a friend!
  7. Teach or help in Sunday School!
  8. Bake 3 cookies for your hubby and freeze the extra batter for later!

Becoming an empty nester is a significant transition for any mom. It’s easy to sink into depression and not know what your new identity looks like.

I’ve known moms who literally sit on the sofa having no idea what to do next. Is this you? I hope you’ll find renewed purpose and solutions for your dilemma.

I hope this Empty Nest series will help renew your identity of who you are in Christ during this special season of life.

2. Embracing your empty nest

Part of moving into the empty nest season is first, accepting where you’re ‘at’ in life. It’s no longer languishing over the past. It’s looking towards the future with expectant anticipation.

God brought you to this point for a reason. Believing God still has a special purpose for you is the first step in moving forward.

I say all this because it is not uncommon for the transition into the empty nest season to be a struggle for many moms. If this is you, drop a comment below so I can pray for you!

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11

There is so much to love about this season of your life.

If you struggle to see the bright side as an empty nester, start recording three things daily that fill your heart with gratitude. It doesn’t matter how insignificant you think they are, write them down anyhow.

It’s wonderful to find God in the mundane!

God has wonderful thoughts about you. He wants your heart to be filled with peace. He has plans for you that include a future and hope.

Embrace this season as the first step toward redesigning a life of usefulness.

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.

Jeremiah 29:13-14

3. Embracing usefulness by going deeper with jesus

I’ve watched how people age over the years and noticed that there is one direction I hope I never take. There are always choices and sticking to the narrow way is continually challenging.

A young Believer’s desire to walk uprightly can be abandoned during retirement. It stems from the mindset of their purpose of retirement.

Are these years of freedom, relaxation, and days spent doing what you please?

Life’s purpose should always be to draw closer to Jesus to glorify God. Everything we do should be to that end. Even hobbies and fun activities with friends or grandkids should always glorify our Lord and Savior.

The empty nest years provide an opportunity to cultivate a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus. Many moms while balancing work, family, and church responsibilities, may have found it challenging to invest consistent time in prayer, Bible study, and personal meditation and reflection.

Now that your pace has slowed down, you can have a renewed focus on Jesus. I have found this true on most days have a longer time slot for reading my Bible. I have even found time for Bible journaling art that would have been a challenge until ten years ago.

This is a season to seek God with fresh intentions. This could involve deepening your prayer time, engaging in personal or group Bible study, or taking up devotional reading.

God desires that you have continual spiritual growth for your entire life. We see this in Colossians 2:6 below:

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,  rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

Colossian 2:6-7

When you intentionally use this season of your life to grow closer to Jesus, this prepares you for spiritual enrichment preparing you to be more effective in serving others. It will strengthen your foundation in Christ.

This will form a deeper connection with your Savior fueling a desire to embrace usefulness as an empty nester mom.

Instead of engaging in emptiness during your twilight years, you’ll powerfully live for His kingdom as you share your faith in transformative ways with those in your community.

Would you like updates and tips to help you embrace grace in the journey? We would love to hear from you!

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