Do You Have An Attitude of Gratitude?
Dear Mom, what is your attitude?
Is it one of gratitude or is it one that reeks of a bad attitude?
Choosing your attitude is such a good thing and yet with a complaining and discontent attitude, we will sabotage our best efforts. That is why learning to have gratitude is a habit we all need to cultivate this year.
“THIS is the day which the LORD hath made; we WILL rejoice and be glad in it!!” (Psalm 118:24)
You probably started off the year with good intentions but at this point, you might not even remember your goals or One Word. Maybe you are like me and your attitude fluctuates like the weather!
Every few months (or every month) it is a good thing to revisit the direction you are headed. I’m not talking about the one you chose to take when you wrote down your goals for the year.
Likely you are responding in the moment as ‘things’ happen instead of mindfully keeping your eyes on your goals and mostly on doing life God’s way.
But most importantly, do you have an attitude of gratitude?
Because that’s what matters more than your goals. It is how you respond and react to things happening in your life.
It is the recipe for grace-filled living at its best!
Do you have an attitude of gratitude? It can be a struggle, to say the least. These tips will help you get back on track! Please subscribe to my channel!
An Attitude of Gratitude?
I can forget to have an attitude of gratitude very quickly into my day. You too?
A whiny cranky toddler or hormonal teenager can very quickly push us into action mode where we forget gratitude. This is when we have to take extra care to have a grateful spirit. It may not change their attitude but it will definitely change the atmosphere.
Have you ever made a gratitude journal?
You will be amazed at how your outlook on your life begins to change as you start writing down three things you are grateful for each day.
We can always find something to complain about but at first, it’s a little harder to see the wonder of each day.
For instance, now that the frigid temperatures of winter are past, I can complain about the rainy days or the spiking temperatures in the middle of the summer!
Instead, I will add how I’m thankful for the rainy day because it gives me water to drink and the flowers will bloom. Each thing I write down on my gratitude list is a gift from God.
What are you adding to your list today?
Having a Heart of Gratitude
Gratitude changes my perspective on my day. My view out my window of life turns from gloominess to the brightness that God gifts to me each day.
- Keeps you from an attitude of bitterness.
- Helps you to appreciate your kids even though one of them is screaming.
- Gives you a sense of gratefulness to God for all that He has done. Great is Thy Faithfulness!! (Lamentations 3:23)
- Provides you with peace that passes all understanding over your future and present difficulties. (Philippians 4:7)
You will LOVE the Gratitude Journaling Workbook as a tool to make your journey easier.
Get the Gratitude
Journaling Workbook
Gratitude is hard when your attitude is suffering! That’s why you NEED this for your Quiet Time with Jesus!
You’ll GET:
- Bible Reading Plan!
- Journaling Pages!
- Gratitude List!
- Bible Verses Printable!
- Frameable Verse Printable!
- Journaling Art Page!
The Gratitude Journaling Workbook
is a journaling workbook that will encourage you to draw closer to Jesus.
It’s been expanded into a 30-day workbook.
The first thing you need to square away when serving your husband and children is your attitude.
Without a good attitude and with an ungrateful, discontent spirit, you will fail at best in having the right spirit as you serve your family.
Sure, you can do everything and do it right but without abiding in the Holy Spirit your best efforts will be thwarted.
There is no glory in a bad attitude or reward when you stand before God.
Without gratitude, you will not even appreciate the most important thing that anyone ever did for you.
God sent His only Son to die for you. It is because of The shed blood that you can stand before Jesus as a redeemed child of God.
Do you have an attitude of gratitude? What things are you grateful for today?