
Do You Need Motivation to Eat Better?

Do You Need Motivation to Eat Better

Most of us know we need to eat better but lack the motivation to start, let alone maintain the journey. It doesn’t take much to fall off track when you go on vacation or when family and friends visit.

You might have a few pounds to lose or none at all. It makes no difference which side you fall on because even if you’re skinny you can be unhealthy.

It doesn’t matter if your time to eat poorly is in the morning or to perk you up from that mid-afternoon slump. Maybe you are the one who goes on a junk food binge late at night.

My motivation was doing great to eat better until I went on vacation recently. Since we’ve been home, I am struggling to regain my resolve and get back on my journey again.

I need motivation because I just blew it and gave caved!

Why is it so impossible to get back on track?

Denial About Eating Curbs Motivation!

For years weight loss wasn’t something I ever needed to think about. I could eat two plates of spaghetti and 3 homemade-whole-grain totally from-scratch-muffins without worries. One day I realized that I had packed on 25 pounds!

I lost that weight after a month of chronic hives.

Hives are a reaction to something going wrong in the body. To make a long story short, I kept that weight off except for a yo-yo-ing of 7 to 10 pounds.

For the last five years, I have been trying to get control of sugar cravings. I was doing great until vacation disrupted my ‘success.’

And this is what I think is my main problem . . .

I have been in major denial about the sin-reasons of why I am eating poorly and that has curbed my motivation.

Even though I recently lost 10 pounds . . .


Vacation set me back!


Because even though I could go on and on about what is going on in my gut, that isn’t the main issue.

I have been in denial about what my real problem is!

Motivation is Just NOT About Honoring God!

I didn’t wake up this morning thinking, “I want to honor God with my body today!” That was just not my goal!

It should have been.

The Bible meets us in every area of our life including eating better. I have an issue with emotional eating or boredom eating where I can munch on something while I am at my computer.

It doesn’t matter if it is chocolate chip cookies, chocolate chips, or granola bars. If they are in the house, I can rationalize my need for them and eat more than I should.

I do gain weight and fast, it’s just that I yo-yo between getting it back off and being active and faithfully doing my workouts.

But I have discovered why I lack motivation to stay on track and eat better every single day.

Motivation is just not about honoring God because, until today, it really wasn’t my goal.

That’s going to change! Would you like to join me!

Running to Food and Not to God!

It should be that we run to God and not to food. That isn’t the way it happens for most Americans and we have no idea why we are doing what we are doing.

I hardly realize that I am craving yet another granola bar and it is consumed before I know it.

For you, it might be something else or maybe you can’t relate to this at all.

Have you ever run to God before you ate that extra granola bar? That is what we are going to learn to do together!

Before you take that first bite, ask God to give you the motivation to eat better and avoid temptation.

And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. 1 John 5:14

Motivation Tips to Eat Better!

It’s hard to eat well because every five days the weekend is back with events that surround us with good things to eat.

The routine of the week has temporarily ended and temptation pulls us in as we go through the pot luck table at an event.

Resolve seems impossible!

I am learning that the best way to curb my temptation and level up my motivation is to spend extra time with God each day focusing on asking Him for strength.

It all starts in the mind with our thoughts that when not curbed end up in actions as we reach for the desired food.

This is when you need to pray for motivation to help you eat better right in the moment!

Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. Do you want to gain/maintain your weight?
  2. How do you accomplish your goal?
  3. Will eating as much as you want help your goal or health?
  4. Did you pray and ask God to give you the motivation to eat better?
  5. What Bible verse are you using to motivate you to stay inside your boundaries?

Do you struggle with weight loss and feel like giving up?

You will LOVE this Weight Loss perspective that totally works!

Read about this Faithful Finish Lines weight loss program to see how you can find answers for emotional eating, the best diet, how to stop eating when you don’t feel like you have an “off” switch and so much more!

Open for membership between September 15-18 – closes at MIDNIGHT!

Bible Verses for Motivation

For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. Galatians 5:17

“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything. 1 Corinthians 6:12

But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires. Romans 13:14

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

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Motivation to Eat Better

I took this Grow Your Faith, Lose the Weight Free 5 Day Challenge and found it to be an amazing way to start getting into a fitness routine. You will LOVE it!


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  1. I’m a very religious person, but I wasn’t looking for a religious themed article on eating better.

    I had just finished praying and asking the Lord to help me eat better, and then typed in “I lost my motivation to eat better.”

    I clicked randomly And going through this article was surprised with the seemingly random “it cause youre turning to food not God!”

    It was sureal! But eye opening. Thanks!

    1. Chynna, I hope you were encouraged by reading my article. I have a weekly menu planner and verses on a printable and some other printables to encourage my readers. Did you sign up to download them? I hope you will find my other posts encouraging too. Have a wonderful day!

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