You are a Daughter of the King

You are a Daughter of the King

In just four months, both of my parents went to be with Jesus.

Although they had both lived well into their nineties, it is strange to realize I will never see them again on this earth!

You might have already experienced the loss of one or both of your parents.

If you know Jesus . . .

You are a daughter of the King!

And . . .

You Are Not Alone!

You are a Daughter of the King

Most parents have so much wisdom because they have lived and experienced so much over the years.

When I was younger I didn’t value my parent’s wisdom to the extent that I should have!

Once they are gone, you can’t call them for advice.

Your mom can’t share your grandmother’s long lost recipe with you!

You are stuck with the devastating fact that you will never hear her voice again.

You may feel abandoned.

And alone.

You yearn to talk with your mom or dad just one more time.

But God is there telling you . . .

You are NOT alone!

Jesus said, “I will never leave you or forsake you!”

If your parents are not saved, that is another way you might feel alone.

But again, Jesus says that you are NOT alone!

He is the never-forsaking God!

For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we may boldly say: ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?’ ” Hebrews 13:5-6

God is the Father of the fatherless!

You Are My Daughter!

I have been reading in Psalms for my Quiet Time and came across a verse that spoke to my heart.

It is really God speaking to Jesus, declaring, “You are My Son.”

I didn’t even notice the capitalization of ‘Son’ when the verse jumped off the page at me!

I will declare the Lord’s decree:
He said to Me, “You are My ;
today I have become Your Father. Psalm 2:7

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As I read this Psalm, I felt like God was saying to me, YOU are MY daughter! 

If your parents are no longer living or if they aren’t saved, it feels like you are orphaned.

Jesus knows everything that you are going through and is reassuring you that YOU are His daughter!!

God Will Take Care Of You!

There are quite a few places in the Bible that talk about God being your Father when your mother and father forsake you.

  • When your parents pass away!
  • When your parents reject you for your faith or standards!
  • When your parent has a debilitating illness!
  • When you are experiencing strain in the relationship between you and your parents!

That is one reason why Jesus came to earth (besides dying for your sins). (John 3:16)

Jesus understands everything you will ever go through. He cares for you infinitely more than anyone else in your life ever could!

He will take care of you!

Words of Comfort for Daughters of the King

Jesus knows what you are going through and wants to comfort you. You might be interested in these 20 verses on comfort to help you cope.

When He experienced life on earth, He felt emotions and experiences as we do.

Psalms is a great place to ‘camp out in’ when your life brings trials. That is why I put my study of the book of John on hold and have been reading in Psalms.

One of my favorites is Psalms 27 . . . well so is Psalm 34 and Psalm 119 and, and, and!

If you feel a type of abandon of your parents, this verse will comfort you . . .

Taken from Psalm 27:10-14:

When my father and my mother forsake me,
Then the Lord will take care of me. Psalm 27:10

Have a teachable spirit when you are feeling abandoned and ask God to lead you.

Teach me Your way, O Lord,
And lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies. Psalm 27:11

Don’t lose heart because your life looks different without your parents.

Reach out an encourage your loved ones. Do not neglect them because of your grief.

They NEED you!

These are two of my very favorite verses in the Bible! It says what to do when discouraged!

I would have lost heart, unless I had believed
That I would see the goodness of the Lord
In the land of the living. 

Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!

A Daughter’s Response Of Awe and Worship!

When I pass the picture of my mom and dad as I walk through my home, a deep feeling of loss hits my heart.

Memories come flooding back.

Experiencing sadness is not wrong. Accept the comfort the Lord wants to give you.

God wants you to see His bigness for your situation.

He is like the huge bolder-mountains of Yosemite National Park.


God wants you to look to Him as your Rock. To look up at Him with awe and worship through the loss you are experiencing and beyond so you can bless others.

You might not be going through a loss at this time. As long as we live on this earth, that time will come. I pray that this article has brought comfort and hope to you today!

Are both of your parents living here on earth? Has this spoken to your heart in some way, if so, how?

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