Grace-Filled Living is the Complete Solution for the Way You Think


Do you struggle with the feeling you’re not enough? 


You can find the complete solution to change the way you think with Grace-Filled Living.


Grace-Filled Living is the Complete Solution to the Way You Think



Grace-Filled Living offers the complete solution for struggling moms when your head says, “You’re NOT enough!”

Grace-Filled Living will help you change the way you think about yourself even when those thoughts are deep-rooted. God sees you differently than you see yourself because you are enough because of Jesus Christ.

I am so excited to tell you about my very FIRST COURSE!

​The Grace-Filled Living Course is now LIVE on my blog just for you!

I’ve created this course out of a lifetime of struggles because Jesus gave me the victory in Christ. I want you to find the complete solution with victory in Jesus through Grace-Filled Living!


Struggling Because You’re Not Enough


I have experiences that go back to when I was a little younger than two. What were your first memories?

The only reason I can pinpoint my age was that we were in the States for about 10 months. I have a hook to hang my memories.

Whether you have early memories or not, experiences have touched your life from birth to the present. Memories make up the complex person you have become.

And hey, as women we are totally complicated, right?

If you became a mom at some point, that experience made you even more complex as life took on a new dimension!

My early memories with my parents and siblings were uneventful. At least outside of the fact that I was born in Japan and by two years old had also lived in New York State and then moved to Hong Kong by the time I was three.

But life happens!

When I was five my teacher thought I was a ‘good little girl’ and had me share the desk with a little boy who did all sorts of things he shouldn’t have done!

AND . . . so my school-life began!

In fourth grade, my teacher was totally stressed by my inability to do my math! She called me names (like nincompoop) and threatened to make me repeat 4th grade!

Then there was the bully and his friends who taunted me a few years later.

And life kept happening.

What struggles did you have growing up?

Maybe your struggles are in your marriage?

If you’ve ever been called “Stupid” or “Dumb” or a myriad of other names that say “You don’t measure up,” you end up feeling “You’re not enough!”

Thinking I was not enough has been my life-long struggle.

I know many moms are feeling that the struggle is real!

But through Grace-Filled Living, you will learn to find the complete solution in Jesus Christ!

God Sees the Complete Solution


Grace-Filled Living is the way God wants you to continuously live instead of constantly struggling without victory.

God sees you as very special and has a plan for your life that He specifically created for you to live out.

God sees what you can’t see. He sees the complete solution for your struggles.

He never wanted you to live in a place of

  • Melancholy!
  • Depression!
  • Despair!
  • Or live on the edge of your emotions!

If you have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, you are a daughter of the King. You are a royal princess.

Think of little girls who love dressing up in frilly dresses with a sparkling crown in her perfectly messed up head of hair.

Imagine yourself dressed up something like that little girl and even though your hair isn’t perfect, God is making you into someone perfect IN Christ for His glory.

God has a plan for your life and most likely, it is to reach other women, moms, girls, or daughters for His glory.

Grace-Filled Living is for You!


I want you to rise to find the complete solution, living in victory and joy just like me!

I no longer live continually in a place of defeat like I did just six years ago.

Those feelings of “I’m not enough, carried over into my adult years and entered my marriage.

Who knows how much it affected my husband and the way we sometimes interacted.

When you have negative feelings, you also have negative thoughts. Maybe not every thought but enough thoughts that are not taken captive.


We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:5


Negative thoughts create a swirling circle that spirals down into a black hole of words and actions. Marriage can be like that, can’t it?!

Your life becomes messy and you end up feeling that you’re not enough.

Do you know what I’m saying from experience?

And that is why you need Grace-Filled Living, the online course that you’ll find here on my blog!

Grace-Filled Living is for YOU!

What is the Complete Solution?


The complete solution is in finding answers for your struggles by taking the course I created. It is a short course that you can complete in 5 days through videos and a workbook.

You will be guided through the course by answering questions in the e-workbook that will help you think through the struggles you have been facing.

There is also a companion workbook to use in your quiet time. There are two printables with verses divided into categories to strengthen you.

You actually could take longer than a week to complete all the material in this course as you dig down into the things you have been through.

This course is not just a quick-fix solution as it might take time and prayer. It’s more than a course!


Grace-Filled Living is the Complete Solution to the Way You Think


Grace-Filled Living is a transformational experience for struggling moms.


You’re not enough? Grace-Filled Living Online Course is the Complete solution!


You NEED this!

  • 5 daily lessons!
  • 10 videos! (videos of welcome, instruction, prayer & 2 more bonus lessons)
  • Course Workbook in PDF download!
  • Quiet time printables!
  • Lifetime access!

Because of the different situations, I faced as a child, in school, and hard experiences as an adult, I am sharing for the first time in this course how you may also have victory in Christ.

Find the Complete Solution in Grace-Filled Living


  1. How God Sees You!
  2. Melancholy, Depression, and Emotions!
  3. Negative Self-Talk!
  4. Overwhelm!
  5. Confessing with Scripture!


I have gone through deep emotional valleys thinking I was alone in my experiences.

My whole mission in writing and blogging is to lift another mom out of despair (or before you get to that point) so you’ll KNOW that you are NOT the only one going through the valley.

When you feel ‘you’re not enough’, my course will bring it ALL together for you in ONE place.

You aren’t alone because Jesus says, “No, you’re NEVER alone!”


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


I have talked to so many moms who also feel they’re not enough and so I am sharing about ‘Grace-Filled Living‘ where you will learn how to have victory any time you go through deep experiences that bring you down into the valley.

Count me IN the Grace-Filled Living Online Course


When you’re not enough

Grace-Filled Living

is the online course that will give you the complete solution as you find your identity in Christ!

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