Learn How To Draw Using Art Templates

Using journaling art templates for your Bible journaling art is the answer when you don’t know how to draw!

Would you love to draw in your brand new journaling Bible but don’t have the courage? You have so much respect for God’s Word that you don’t want to make a mistake on the beautiful pages!

Templates can be expensive through Pinterest and Etsy!! I was shocked at what was being charged for one page!!

It is less expensive to purchase an adult coloring book and cut it apart to use as templates. I would much rather do that than use it as a coloring book.

I have an adult coloring book called How Great Though Art, that I bought on Amazon.

How Great Thou Art Adult Coloring Book: Coloring Pages Inspired by the Words of Forty-Six Classic Hymns Paperback

The pages inside the book are perforated and it was easy to tear them out.


I had saved plastic sheet protectors that I no longer needed and used those to slip each page inside the sleeve.

Then I put all of them into a binder for easy reference.

Here are Three Example Pages

The following pages are from the book, How Great Thou Art and you can purchase the book on Amazon.


How Great Thou Art Adult Coloring Book


You will love the book that these pages come from!!


YOU Can Do Something Like This Too!

  1. Choose the picture you want and trace it into your Bible or journaling notebook.
  2. You can always use parts of the picture. I like changing things up and making it my own.
  3. Then trace over your penciled-in tracings with a black Micron Pen.
  4. Then color it in with pencil crayons of your choice.
  5. Lastly, submit it to our Jesus Journaling Facebook community for us all to enjoy and love on you!!

Here are Pictorial Illustrations on How to Trace a Template

Can you see the paper folded behind the page in my Bible? I tried to take a picture of it folded but it was hard to see that it was folded.

The design on the page was a wreath-type shape but that would not have fit on the page in my Bible. I placed it behind the page that I will color. I folded it in half and fit it into the empty space as in the picture below.

I held it firm with my left hand and traced over the design with my right hand. It showed through a little faint but it worked.

Next, I traced over the penciled-in design with my Micron Pen until the whole design was in black ink.

My artwork is normally freehand but I know many of you love Jesus Journaling but are afraid to jump in!! Take a leap and you will be amazed!!

I’d love to know how this tutorial on using templates to start your Bible journaling art journey has helped you!

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