5 Things to Know About Coloring Book Bible Art

Coloring books are a great place to find inspiration for Bible art that you’ll want to know about. Although an adult coloring book might be a great place to look for ideas, you might want to consider children’s coloring books. You would probably think they are the most unlikely place to look!



5 Things to Know About Coloring Book Bible Art


Children’s Coloring Books Make Art Simple!


I recently discovered how amazing a children’s coloring book is for increasing your skills in Bible journaling art. I’m not talking about an adult coloring book with intricate designs made for the serious artist.

The best coloring book has simple drawings for any age level and ability. Those can be found in a child’s coloring book.

Most of the pages of a children’s coloring book are designs created for kids with short attention spans and limited creative skills.

So although it is fine to collect adult coloring books that are harder to color, you might find it easier to use a child’s coloring book so you can learn to create your own drawings.

That’s what happened when I found “Dog Days! Coloring to Unleash Your Creativity!’ in the checkout line at Walmart. Not only do I love dogs but I loved the easy-to-draw pictures throughout the book.



The next time I was in Walmart I found a few other coloring books to add to my collection. I think I am onto something amazing!

At the bottom, you will find a video that shows you some of the coloring books I found as well as demonstrating some of the illustrations I made for my Bible as a result of using coloring books.



Tracing is the Non-Artistic Way to Draw!


You might not feel comfortable drawing a picture free-handed from another picture. This is a technique that has been used by artists for years but you’re not an artist, right?

If you want to step out of your comfort zone and do a free-handed journal from your Bible, by all means, do it!

If you’re like most people, tracing is the way to go!

Get a piece of computer printing paper unless you are able to get real tracing paper. It is thinner and perfect.

Using a #2 solft-lead pencil, trace over the part of the page you want to use. I would suggest that you don’t use the whole page but instead capture enough to have the desired moment. Be sure your phone camera is focusing correctly since there is nothing worse than a fuzzy picture.

Put the tracing paper on top of the picture or the part of the design you’d like to draw.

Start tracing!


Psalm 71:23


Drawing Fish, Birds, Animals, and Flowers!


Another element to look for in a Children’s coloring book is animals. If you were able to trace some of the animals, you would be able to illustrate creation or Noah’s flood.

Fish birds and animals are harder to draw but in a children’s coloring book these animals are much easier to attempt.

Cut out the animal and slip it under the page you want to illustrate and trace over it.

If you are able to draw it freehanded it will help you see how it can be drawn. It helps to know how to do the eyes, mouth and general outline.


You Can Draw Coloring Book People!


One thing I find almost impossible to draw is people. That is until I found color books and could copy how to draw the people. They give me ideas like adding a hat or how to draw the way the person is sitting or standing.

Tracing would be even easier because you would just take your pencil over the lines of the person’s form.

When I draw people in my Bible journaling illustrations, I don’t even try to make them characteristic of the time period in the Bible. I want to identify myself with what the Bible is saying, so I draw my people wearing clothes worn in our culture.


Drawing with Pencil, Miron Pen, & Gel Pens!


When you trace over the original picture, use a number two pencil or automatic pencil. If you have tracing paper that’s great but if all you have is printer paper, that will work.

You can either trace right into your Bible or notebook or by using a soft leaded pencil, you can turn the paper upsidedown on the place you want your picture to be and softly shade over the pencil marks. This will transfer your drawing onto the surface you want to illustrate.

Next, use a Micron Pen and trace over the penciled -n-drawing.

If you’d like, use gel pens instead to give color and make your work stand out even more.


Coloring with Pencil Crayons!


Once you have your illustration outlined into your Bible or notebook, you can color it in with Prismacolor Pencil Crayons or another brand of soft pencil crayons.

This is where your drawing is brought alive and made to look beautiful.

I have found that putting color to my drawings turns one that I didn’t think was done that well into one that I am quite happy with.

Remember that you are doing creative Bible journaling to worship your Creator and not because you are all that creative. God loves creativity at any level because He was the One who created art.

It is like singing. A person with a beautiful voice might be singing to bring themselves glory instead of God. It is the same with journaling art. The worst journaled, if illustrating for God will bring Him the most glory!


Psalm 78 and Lam 3:23



Coloring Book Bible Art Video


You will love watching this short 8-minute video where I bring to life what was shared in this blog post. I hope it blesses you!


Be sure to follow me on my You Tube channel!






5 Things to Know About Coloring Book Bible Art

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  1. Thank you for the ideas with the coloring books. It has given me ideas of books that I have to use them for Bible journaling.

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