
Bible Journaling Template Using the Tracing Technique

Have you been seeing the beautiful Bible journaling art all through your Pinterest feed but are clueless about where to start?

Using this Free Bible Journaling Template you will learn how to use the tracing technique.

I want this to be easy for you and tracing with this template will help you draw an amazing picture!

I want to encourage you that, “Yes! You can do this too!”  I only started coloring in my Bible just two years ago. You really can learn to draw too!

That is why I chose a very simple picture to share with you of a cup, flowers, and easy-peasy lettering. I want you to know that you can use YOUR OWN HANDWRITING without learning fancy lettering.

Bible journaling is not about how artistic you are; but how worshipful you are through art.

Your artwork will be just perfect!

Free Bible Journaling Template and Using the Tracing Technique

My Cup Overflows

Bible journaling is a way to demonstrate your gratitude to God through artwork. Our praise to God doesn’t have to be perfect just like the word ‘lovingkindness’ below is lopsided.

God takes pleasure in you when your heart is filled with gratitude to Him. In return, God will cause your cup to overflow!!

Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Psalm 143:8

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Psalm 23:5

Before I share some tips with you, I am going to encourage you to cultivate a heart of gratitude.

Psalm 23 is a wonderful psalm of gratitude. It is uplifting whether you’re up on the mountain or down in the valley.

I love drawing in my Bible about the things God is speaking into my journey through life. That is what journaling art is all about!

It says in Psalm 23 that when you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death you will not fear evil. God will comfort you with His rod and staff.

That is something to be thankful for!

That is why your cup overflows because when you are thankful. Being thankful is like a cup of coffee or hot chocolate. Something warm and comforting that gives abundantly to you until it overflows.

Here is another example to trace

Tracing When You CanNOT Draw

I find it difficult to trace off my phone (too small) or off my laptop. How is that done? Lay the screen flat on the table? Right!

That is why I made this template for you to develop your creativity using the tracing technique. All you have to do is put it under your art notebook page and trace it with an automatic pencil.

If you don’t want to use the same phrase from Psalm 23:5, choose your own verse or phrase to use with the mug and flowers in the template (bottom of this post.)

If you want to create your own picture, you can trace the flowers. I chose to draw very simple flowers so you would feel like you CAN DO THIS!

Creating Your Own Design

To make your own design, you can trace the flowers in any arrangement that you would prefer. You can keep repeating the pattern by moving the paper to make more.

If you are using a journaling Bible, there are pages at the beginning of one of the books or the ending page where there is more space.

I never encourage you to color or paint over the text in your Bible. That is God’s Word and Jesus’ blood was shed so you could have it to read. I want to show honor to God through my journaling without my artwork taking away from the message in the text.

Your Bible is a legacy and someday, someone might read it because they are drawn to it by the beautiful picture you drew on the page.

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What I do occasionally is color very faintly so that the words can still be clearly seen.

Your Free Bible Journaling Template

You can use this template by printing it and then tracing it into your journaling Bible or journaling notebook. Either way will work.

I hope this is a blessing as you start Bible Journaling for God’s glory!

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  1. Hello,thats exactly why I want 2 Bible journaling,I find it quite fascinating 2 color in my Bible,2 have ppl 2 compliment me about Gods word.thats my witnessing aproach,I would be so greateful 2 receive one,and many more thank you,stay blessed.

    1. That is so wonderful Mabel. Have you subscribed to my newsletter? I often share a new freebie when I create something new. Also, you will find in my Store in the top menu bar, a dropdown called Digital Products in which I have quite a number of journaling workbooks and studies that I have created. Hope this helps.

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