How to Make a Summer Bucket List for Kids

Now that the hot weather is finally here, a summer bucket list is just the thing you’ll need to turn each day into a fun-packed adventure.

Be an influencer in the lives of young children by giving them grace-filled days that will last for an eternity!

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 9:14

Your kids are only with you for a few short years (ask me how I know) and will be on their own before you know it.

You want each moment to count for eternity. What better way than making a bucket list so your time is constructively spent with them?

Whether they are your kids, grandkids, or kids you babysit, you can influence their young lives beyond time spent on earth.

Make a Summer Bucket List

Over the years, I sat down with a glass of iced tea and searched for summer activities at the local attractions.

We all know to appreciate summer more after living a locked-down existence for way too long. It’s time to make up for the past this summer by getting out and about!

Each year, I would make a bucket list of places to go and fun things to do with my kids.

Then I would see how many of them we could do over the summer.

Once school was out for the summer, it was ONLY ONE week until my kids were bored with the routine of not having a routine.

That’s why I came up with a summer bucket list.

It was either getting back to summer homeschooling or occupying them with interesting and fun things to do as often as possible.

Of course, we couldn’t go galavanting around every day. We would have activities to do at home with a few outings in our county.

My summer bucket list made sure that the warm weather didn’t slip by without creating wonderful memories.

This summer doesn’t have to be any different. So grab your iced tea (or iced coffee) and sit down and search the internet for ideas for making a summer bucket list!

Making A Summer Bucket List

Whether you homeschool your kids or they go to school, the routine changes with the arrival of summer.

Who doesn’t want to get outside?!

  • Make a bucket list of FREE or inexpensive places to go
    • Walks along a river!
    • Visit a petting zoo or farm!
    • Picnic at a park!
    • Go picking strawberries (or some other u-pick farm)!
    • Visit a local farmer’s market and buy your kids a special cookie!
  • Make a summer bucket list of things you can do with your kids by searching on Pinterest!
    • Make a ‘Travel Kit’ for those long trips!
    • Make a backyard racing track!
    • Search on Pinterest for craft and writing activities!
    • Dress-Up for each day of the week!
    • Search on Pinterest for summer Crafts for kids to make!
  • Make a reading summer bucket list of books for your kids!
    • Make a habit of reading aloud to your kids almost every day!
    • Culture a habit of your kids quietly reading on their bed for 1/2 hour each day! You need the grace to get through the hot days of summer and creating space for kids to slow down and unwind is never a bad thing!

I love the idea of a summer bucket list because it feels great when the item is checked off when it’s done.

No guilt for not doing it on a specific day or not getting around to it at all.

It’s better to do some fun things each week than let the summer slip by and do none at all!

It’s OK not to do everything on your bucket list.

That’s why I’d rather mark it off the list than place what my child will do on a schedule that will probably not work for those lazy summer days!

The summer is a relaxed routine without as many boundaries.

It’s a time to relax.

So, relax sweet mom (or grandma), and don’t worry about what has to be done as much as finding room for making a grace-paced summer bucket list.

Did this help you? What are you planning on doing this summer with your children?


Summertime Sanity is a book I simply loved using each summer. It is timeless and I highly recommend it!

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