Weariness to Strength Grace Study

Walking with Jesus from Weariness to Strength

Weariness to Strength is a Study designed to encourage you to grow in strength as you walk with Jesus Christ.

I hope you will join in as we go deeper into God’s Word.

My passion is to encourage you to get to know Jesus in a more personal way as you learn to walk with Him through your journey of life.

Life can get messy with all the trials you face.

I have had valleys and victories that always influence the things that I share with you.

The lows and highs in my life have taught me to walk with Jesus in a way I never imagined!

I love finding an example from the women in the Bible that encourage you in your walk with the Lord. Rebecca is just that woman for our study about weariness and strength.

And Rebecca said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these which are of the daughters of the land, what good shall my life do me?  Genesis 27:46

Rebecca had twin sons called Esau and Jacob. In her case, Rebecca was weary because of the life choices that Esau was making.

We get tired of all that we do in the course of the day, but it makes us weary in a much deeper sense when we face serious trials in our life.

I need to find the strength to carry on in the same way Rebecca needed it.

That is why I chose the verses below and I thought they might be encouraging for you too!!

Weariness to Strength Grace Study

What to Expect Each Week

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

I will share a short post about each of the twenty passages found in the Weariness to Grace Study Plan. These are intended to be short so you are encouraged to get into God’s Word daily.  Many of you have busy lifestyles and maybe having a hard time actually fitting time with Jesus into your day. If you have more time, you can dig deeper into these passages.

I will also be sharing Bible Journaling Art drawings whenever time permits.

Weariness to Strength Grace Study Plan

You can download this printable without signing up for my newsletter. The link is after the list of Bible verses.

You can read and study one passage five days each week. The weekends can be crazy and this will give you a couple days to regroup or catch up!

  1. Genesis 27:41-46
  2. Job 10:1-7
  3. Psalm 6:1-10
  4. Psalm 69:1-21
  5. Isaiah 40:25-31
  6. Isaiah 50:1-11
  7. Galatians 6:6-10
  8. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15
  9. Psalm 27:1-14
  10. Romans 5:1-11
  11. 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
  12. Mark 12:28-34
  13. Joshua 2:1-6
  14. Psalm 9:1-12
  15. Psalm 46:1-7
  16. Psalm 48:1-14
  17. Psalm 57:1-11
  18. Psalm 59:1-17
  19. Psalm 91:1-16
  20. Hebrews 6:13-20

Weariness to Strength

You can download the Weariness to Strength Grace Study Plan FREE PRINTABLE HERE!!

I hope and pray that this study strengthens your walk with Jesus as you grow closer to Him.

What passages can you add to this list that would encourage you and other weary ladies to be strengthened in Jesus?





Weariness to Strength

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  1. I have to say that going through 4-6 weeks to even feel some healing has been rough. It has brought me closer to Jesus and I feel like I am blessed to have Him by my side as I push to recover. I had 2 major back surgeries in one week and the nurses are few and far between. Praise God!!

    1. Hi Linda! I have been praying for you. Any surgery is rough but I think back surgery must be really hard. I love how you are looking at what you are going through with such a thankful heart. I’m really thankful that what I am sharing on my blog has been blessing you. It is only because of the grace of God.

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