5 Prayers When Your Marriage is on the Rocks


Prayer isn’t a magical thing that makes everything better when your marriage is ‘On the Rocks’ but prayer does work miracles.

The Bible says that two are better than one and yet it often doesn’t seem like that at all! It would seem that it is better to just be independent and get on with your life.

It takes intentionality to make our marriage work because too often as women, we can be a hot mess of hormones flying in every direction. I believe we need to embrace our imperfection with grace and prayer.

We need to humble ourselves before God and pray fervently (a word seldom used anymore) for our husband.



5 Prayers When Your Marriage is on the Rocks


Say a Prayer for Me!


How often have you heard someone exclaim, “Say a prayer for me!”

They say it as if there is a special magical prayer that if said, will bring about what you want!

Prayer isn’t like that. It isn’t magical at all.

In fact, we don’t always get what we ‘want‘ because God answers prayer according to His will for your life!

Hopefully, your marriage isn’t on the rocks at all. If it is, I pray that what I share will be used to strengthen your marriage before it is too late.

If your marriage is stable, that is awesome. Keep reading because it is important to use these prayers as a preventative against the wiles of the evil one who prowls around seeking whom he may devour.


Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 1Peter 5:8


I don’t want that to be you!

Prayer Reflects Your Relationship with God


If prayer is something you think about when you have a bad argument with your husband that didn’t end well, there may be a LOT of repair work to do!

Prayer really shouldn’t be something you leave for the last resort.

It’s through prayer that you grow closer to God. It is all about relationships.

Hopefully, your prayers are not a memorized prayer that you mindlessly repeat like a good luck charm.

Prayer is talking with God because He is a real person who intimately cares about the hard things in your life. He even cares about the smallest problem or detail in your life.

Is this the kind of prayer-life that you have?

Do your prayers reflect that you have a personal relationship with the True Living God?


Is Your Marriage on the Rocks?


If you are struggling in your marriage and it looks like it will fall apart, you might say, “Your marriage is on the Rocks!”

Although we never seriously discussed divorce and rarely threw that destructive word around, I’ll have to be honest with you and say that we struggled and struggled in our marriage.

I am thankful that our marriage was solidly standing on the Rock of Jesus because if we had listened to what the world was telling us, we would have thrown in the towel years ago.

We wouldn’t have braved the storms and stuck it out long enough for our hormones to subside and to experience the growth and maturity that brought peace to our marriage and personalities.

Yes, sadly I have friends who were given no choice to allow God to work in their marriage. It is a choice that two people make and if you have found yourself in that place, know that I will do anything to still encourage you.

No matter where you find yourself in marriage, put your hope in Jesus.


Standing on the Rock, Christ Jesus is the only solution when your marriage is on the rocks.


We should be standing on the Rock long before that first argument so that we know the One who created marriage and is wanting to heal our heart.

5 Prayers When Your Marriage is on the Rocks



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 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.  

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32


I’m sure that you can open almost any prayer book and find a prayer to memorize or pray by rote on marriage.

As we are women who are embracing graced imperfection, we realize that on this journey, life isn’t always perfect. Your marriage sometimes struggles (if you’re honest) as does mine (although not much anymore).

A rote prayer for me is just not going to ‘cut it!’

Let’s pray the Scriptures because that is a LOT more powerful, don’t you think?!

Then if you ‘happen’ to memorize the prayer, you will be hiding God’s Word in your heart while you’re at it!


Prayer #1


Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10


Dear Lord, create in my husband a pure heart that is spotlessly clean. Help him to desire to know your presence each day as he seeks to read Your Word and pray. Work in him to renew a steadfast spirit as the Holy Spirit lives in and through him. I pray that these things will also be growing in me as I walk with You so that our marriage grows because You are at the center. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen!


Prayer #2


Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established;
By knowledge the rooms are filled, With all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:3-4


Dear Lord, give my husband wisdom as he builds our home on Your foundation. Give him Your understanding for each situation that comes up, Your knowledge so that each room of our home is filled with Your presence. Help him to build on the wealth that is eternal so that our home is filled with precious and pleasant riches. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen!

Prayer #3


Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5-6


Dear Lord, Grant my husband, and our marriage, the patience, and comfort for each situation so that we are like-minded toward one another. Fill us with the presence of Jesus Christ so that we forget to argue or fight and are of one mind and one mouth that our lives in and out of our home will glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and be a testimony that reflects You. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen!


Prayer #4


Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. Ephesians 4:29


Dear Lord, Help my husband (and me) to not bring the foul language that we so constantly hear in the world into our relationship and home. Allow what we say to edify each other, our children, and those whom we come in contact with that grace will be given to those who hear us and reflect on Jesus. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen!


Prayer #5


For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12


Dear Lord, Remind my husband and me that we are not really fighting against each other but that the one who is at war against our souls is trying to divide us. Please Lord, fight against the principalities, powers, and the rulers of the darkness and realms of spiritual hosts of wickedness because You are the One who will fight for us. Give our marriage unity in Christ and help us to work together for the glory of Jesus Christ. In Christ’s name, Amen!


Did this encourage and speak to your heart? I’d love to hear about how this resonated with you!



When your marriage hurts,

Go deeper with your Love Printable Pack.

Let the words of scripture wash over your soul

and fill you with confidence in God’s love for you.



How To Choose Gratitude When Your Marriage Hurts




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    1. My heart aches for you JoAnn!! I will be praying for you for strength as you go through this extremely difficult time. I hope that you find encouragement through what I share on my blog. If you need to *talk* you may connect with me on Facebook Messenger. God loves you and will never forsake you through this.

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    I plan on journaling these marriage verses in my Bible and keep an index for them in a tip-in. When I get it done I will post it.



    1. Hi Linda! I have been praying for you and know it has not been an easy road with either your husband’s or your health issues. I love how you are using the marriage verses to find ways to strengthen your marriage. I would love to see how you journaled these verses. I think you are in the Facebook group, Jesus Journaling.

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