Love & Prayer Challenge for Your Husband


Has your love for your husband grown a little stale


and you struggle to know how to pray for him?


I want to show you how to Love and Pray for your husband, taking your marriage to the next level as you use Scripture to talk with God.



I struggle to pray the way I ought to pray and often say, “Lord, teach me to pray!”

Sometimes it’s because I get too busy from the time I get up until I collapse into bed.

Most of the time it is simply because I don’t know how to pray, empowered by the Holy Spirit in a way that will strengthen my husband and our marriage.

I think the reason many marriages struggle is because of prayerlessness. It’s easier to take all the matters of our cluttered life into our own hands. We try to work out each situation as it happens without slowing down to ask God for direction.


Bow Your Knees


Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11


Valentine’s Day is in February and is a great month to focus on learning to love our husband better. Marriage is hard and often filled with troubles.

If you are like me, you get so engrossed with the marital trials that you forget to pray!

When I have a disagreement with my husband, the last thing I do is think to pray for him. I’m filled with my own desires and self-pity to feel like talking to God about my struggles.

There is nothing that God wants more than for me to pray!

I don’t want to wait until my life is over to get on my knees. I want to start the habit NOW and what better way than by praying for my husband?


Pray for Your Husband


Love & Prayer Challenge for Your Husband

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For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, Ephesians 3:14-16


There are people I know that always pray in the most beautiful way. They always have the perfect words to express their thoughts and requests to God.

That’s not me!

I struggle to find the right words, so please don’t ask me to pray publicly.

Will you join me in learning to pray earnestly using Scripture verses?

Have you ever prayed using Scripture verses before?

Praying with Scripture is an amazing way to pray when you don’t know what words to pray. What better way of praying than to use God’s own Words?!

This month (and every month) I am challenging you to join me in praying for our husbands using Scripture.

What better way to learn to love-on your husband than to pray for him!

Let’s do this!


Love ON Your Husband


Did you know that when your marriage is on the rocks, praying for your husband is powerful?

I know that you might be really hurting right now from the words or actions of your husband.

Through all the years of my marriage, we have gone through many struggles together. I’m a sinner and so is my husband.

Often, I just KNEW that HE was WRONG and it WASN’T me!

But . . .

The Lord was always faithful to show me that I needed to examine my heart first.


“Lord, change me” became my prayer.


A heart filled with humility is much better at fixing a marriage because usually, it takes two-to-tangle!

Yes, I know there are times when a husband has an affair and it was his choice and not yours.

BUT, there are times when YOU are in the wrong and need to ask forgiveness.

One simple thing that can start to repair a marriage is to love on your husband!


Can you:


  • Stop complaining and pick up his socks!
  • Quickly DO what he asks!
  • Listen with intentionality when he talks!
  • Do something special for him!


Riches of God’s Glory


Why would God want to answer your prayers for your husband?

Do you ever feel so unworthy and think you don’t deserve God’s grace?

God wants to give you grace. You are worthy because Jesus died for your sins and set you free.

God wants you to have healing in your marriage just like I’ve experienced.

God wants you to pray for your husband and through doing so, your love will be strengthened. It is the most amazing thing!


3 Things to Pray for Your Husband


This verse is one of many Scripture verses that you can pray for your husband that will increase your love for your man.

Using Bible verses to guide our prayers will help you to focus on uplifting character traits for your husband. Setting your eyes on Jesus removes your focus from the negative situation that’s happening at the moment (Hebrews 12:2).

Here are 3 things from Ephesians 3:14-16 to pray over your husband.

  • Strength for Your Husband
  • Power for Your Husband
  • Filled with His Spirit

Be patient because when you are hurting, it often takes time and consistently praying for your husband. Loving on your husband through prayer isn’t magic and restoration and healing don’t always come immediately.

There are other wonderful Scripture verses to pray over your husband and that is why I made this PRINTABLE for the Love & Prayer Challenge for your husband.


4 Strategies to Try When Your Marriage Hurts 


5 Prayers When Your Marriage is on the Rocks


Do You Ever Struggle in Your Marriage?


6 Bible Verses to Rebuild Your Marriage


Watch this video and be challenged to Love and Pray for your husband

more and more this month and for the rest of your life!





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