5 Steps to an Easy Bible Study


Does your life get so busy that finding time for an easy Bible study is hard? When your life is full to overflowing, the first thing to go is your Quiet Time. That’s why I’m sharing these 5 steps to an easy Bible study that you will enjoy!


5 Steps to an Easy Bible Study


There are seasons in your life that can be really difficult to have a consistent Quiet Time.

  • After a new baby is born!
  • When you have 5 kids under 6-years-old (like I did)!
  • When schedules are disrupted during the summertime!
  • In December right before Christmas!
  • When you are homeschooling!
  • When you have a job!
  • When you have teenagers!
  • Once you’re married!
  • When you are chronically sick!
  • When you ______________!


5 Steps to an Easy Bible Study


I just don’t want to spin off my opinions and shoot-from-the-hip.

I want to take YOU into consideration and help you see how I can relate.

It’s in times like these that the struggle is real and even an easy Bible study is difficult at best.

When five of my kids were six-years-old and younger, my life was a blur and I’m not sure how consistent I was in doing a simple or even easy Bible study.

You might yearn more than anything to study your Bible but find your life rapidly happening around you.

Your Bible study is either totally missing (because you don’t do it), miserable (because you don’t even enjoy it) or you simply don’t do it (but I said that already!)

Do you desire to take your Bible study to a deeper level but don’t know how?

Are you tired of seeing detailed articles about how to do a Bible study that would never fit into your day?

Like not ever?!

To top it off, those complicated ‘how to’ Bible study articles just don’t fall into the category of ‘EASY’ which is what you need during your current season of life.

That is why it is much more important to have these simple and easy Bible study ideas to help you dig deeper into God’s Word.

Besides, it is more about your relationship with Jesus and sometimes a complicated in-depth-with-concordance Bible study skips over Jesus!


5 Steps to an Easy Bible Study


5 Steps to an Easy Bible Study


Moms, the greatest legacy you can leave your kids is a life poured out for Jesus.

You’re NOT going to be able to pour your life out if you aren’t walking closely with Him.

Being a Christ-follower will get you to heaven to be with Jesus if you have asked Him into your heart and life. BUT . . . walking with Jesus and growing in Christ is a whole different thing.

I’m going to give you these 5 steps to an easy Bible study so you can leave a legacy. Whether you do Scripture Writing in your Bible or a separate notebook, be sure to leave your kids a legacy both in how you live your life and what you write down.

Our kids have a free-will and will either CHOOSE to follow Jesus or reject Him. It’s so sad that God has no grandkids, right?

So, this will be easy. Don’t overwhelm yourself by getting out that heavy concordance!

Just get out your Bibles. If you have more than one translations that will be all you need. You can always Google words or phrases. Sometimes synonyms bring out the meaning. If you’re a mom and not a theologian, you’ll find this much easier and more like the method my grandma probably used!


  1. Pause – As you begin your time with Jesus, pause and pray, and invite him into your time reading your Bible. This is so important but in my rush, I can’t tell you how many times I leave this part out!
  2. Ponder – Read and ponder the chapter, passage, or verse. Remember we aren’t simply reading through the Bible. Save that for another time. Keep it to one chapter or even a shorter passage or one verse. Think about what you are reading, meditate on it, and pray about the characters in the passage, or truth being presented and allow God to work it into your heart and actions.
  3. Pull – Pull out the spiritual principles. By that, I mean, pull out the little words or phrases that might be significant. Google and track the thoughts you see in the passage or verse.
  4. Pose – Post questions about the passage or verse and try to apply them to your life. How can you act on what you are reading?
  5. Praying – Praying about what you just read and even writing out your prayer to God is a wonderful way of cementing in your heart the truths in God’s Word.


When you skim through the Bible trying to read through the Bible in a year, it is more like raking. Nothing is wrong with doing that because it gives you familiarity with the Bible as a whole.

Bible study is more like digging and that’s what I am encouraging you to do using the 5 steps to easy Bible study that I listed above.

I know women can be so busy with their families and responsibilities. What I don’t want to see you do is to neglect to spend time with Jesus entirely.

I want you to take 10 to 30 minutes each day to linger long enough to find out what God is trying to communicate to you.

I want to see you love Jesus more than you love anything else!

You never know when your last day on earth will be and you want to be ready to meet Jesus while leaving a legacy for family and others you left behind.

What has been your biggest struggle with getting into God’s Word? Do you think these 5 steps to an easy Bible study will help you draw closer to Jesus?



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  1. One thing that interferes with my Bible study/prayer time are the many ways I research how and what to do. I have too many Bible versions, too many good books and study plans. I also tend to chase a rabbit, turning over stone after stone in a passage that I do not understand. I think I have been under quite an attack from the flesh and our joint enemy. But as I think about it, I believe my biggest struggle is the version. I have memorized in KJV, NKJV, NASB, and some in ESV. This is a real conflict for me and interferes with my prayer time as well. Also I am working through Fervent, trying to memorize warrior verses/verses of encouragement, fearlessness, identity in Christ. So I think my second greatest weakness is prayer. Third, I know I am in Christ, but the old self beats me up a lot, so I am trying to reset self in prayer through the word. When I finally give up and give it all to the Father, He does give me peace and helps me with each small, very, very slow step in progress….:-) But I am very thankful for His steadfast love in the morning and His faithfulness at night. He never stops giving. I hope your suggestions help. I think I have too much good clutter going on.

    1. Hi Debbie! Thank you for sharing about your struggles with rabbit trails. I have been there and especially during the winter when it is so uncomfortable to be outside for long. I love the book, Fervent, and the movie. Your words were such an encouragement. Thank you for reading what I share on my blog.

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