10 Beautiful Bible Journaling Ideas + Video


If you are stuck and looking for Bible journaling ideas, I have creative ideas and resources to share with you.

I love Bible journaling because it has transformed the way I read and study my Bible. It has drawn me closer to Jesus in a way that no deep study has ever done before. I want to inspire you to find a deeper relationship with your Savior and creating in your Bible or a companion notebook will do that for you.

Before starting your journey through your Bible, you might want to gather some supplies to help you get off on the right foot. When you take a hike up a mountain, it is a good thing to have the supplies to help you up the steep incline. Your Christian walk is more like a journey, a hike to the peak of a mountain and back down through the valley.

Although a notebook will do, illustrating and decorating your Bible is so much better. Each time you take another hike through your Bible you will be reminded to trust God even more as you are reminded of how He spoke to you the last time you passed through that section of your journey.


10 Beautiful Bible Journaling Ideas + Video


Bible Journal Essentials

  • Colored Pencils: These are the colored pencils I use almost every day for Bible journaling. I absolutely love them!
  • Washi Tape: Washi Tape is so amazing for making your journaling art pop! Buy on Amazon
  • Watercolor Paint: I love using watercolor paint to off-set my coloring or to paint flowers. It personalizes my illustration.
  • Hand Lettering Pens: These are my favorite hand-lettering pens and I use them almost every day.


Bible Journaling Ideas


Now that you know what exactly Bible journaling is and gathered your supplies, are you ready to get started? I’m really excited that you are joining me today and hope these illustrations will inspire you to get going. If you already create Bible journals, I hope you will be compelled to scale higher on your journey.

Life is like a hike up a mountain. Sometimes it is difficult to get a solid foothold in the crevices of the Rock. Trust Jesus to show you through Bible journaling the truths that will help you trust Him more.

Let’s do this!


Ideas For Your Quiet Time-Space


This will teach you some practical Bible Journaling ideas for setting up a special space for your Quiet Time.  You will learn how to share your amazing illustrations in Jesus Journaling our Facebook group. You will also see some great Bible journaling ideas that are not shown in this post.






Have you forgotten about the benefits we so freely have through prayer? Our world hasn’t been anything like we are accustomed to during the past year and you might be facing things that are really hard. You can get Bible journaling ideas from this picture but more than that, you can be inspired to live more trust-filled this year as you meditate on this verse.


And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. 1 John 5:14





A few years back, I was devastated because my expectations of my children fully following the Lord Jesus Christ were dashed. Some of my children made choices that will affect them for the rest of their lives even if they return to the Lord. I was crying every day until the beautiful hymn, Yesterday, Today, Forever Jesus is the Same, started playing through my mind. Jesus gave me unspeakable JOY where that wasn’t even humanly possible. You can experience the wonder of Jesus too!


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8





The Lord is your Rock in whatever you are going through and experiencing right now. It doesn’t matter how insignificant your struggle might be or if it is a major life-changing event. You can trust in the Lord forever and know He is your everlasting Rock.


Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock. Isaiah 26:4





When I was in my early teens, we’d hike up Lan Tau Moutain to get away from the heat of the city for a couple of weeks. It was a wonderful get-away even though the cabins and lifestyle were rugged. You might be going through some ‘rugged’ experiences but if you look for the cool springs of Living Water along the trail, you will find Jesus whom you can always trust.


But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.” Mark 5:36





What does it look like to trust the Lord for your whole life? Well, it’s trusting God for your whole life to the extent that you’re not anxious about anything. These verses use the example of not worrying about what you will eat, drink, or what you’ll wear. Maybe in our society, you can’t relate to trusting God for the food you’ll eat with the grocery stores and food pantries so full of food. Well, at least not until about a year ago when we started to see empty shelves for the first time in our lives. Still, there was food. There are still things that you and I get anxious about and just as we can trust God for our food, we can trust Him in any area that causes concern.


 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?  And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin,  yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.  But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?  Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.  But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:25-34





Maybe this will give you inspiration for a simple Bible journaling idea for your next illustration. God can give you strength as you learn to express your praise and worship to God in this way. Jesus will also strengthen you in whatever you are facing and teach you to follow Him more faithfully through this amazing journey.


The Lord is my strength and my shield;
    in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;
my heart exults,
    and with my song I give thanks to him. Psalm 28:7





You might wonder how you can get Bible journaling ideas on how to do your art. I face that every single day as I read my Bible and then want to express to God my praise and adoration. Pinterest is my friend and I often get inspiration by searching ‘Bible Journaling.’ You can do this too or use my example as a jumping-off place. Have you ever thought about God’s unfailing love for you? It is like the warmth of the sun, a bridge taking you across the river so you don’t drown, and little flowers in the grass brightening your way on your journey.


Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord.Psalm 32:10





I am fascinated by lighthouses that used to direct ships away from the rocks along the shore of the ocean or Great Lakes. The lights inside the lighthouse reflect the light out across the water. The lighthouse keepers lived alone with maybe just their family, in isolation from other people. That kind of reminds me of the past year when we lived in isolation from our church families, extended family, work, and in general social distancing us from the warmth of human relationships. You might be over-the-top afraid as you face the year ahead. The unknown is scary but God knows your future.  Through these Bible journaling ideas and inspirations shared on this page, I hope you will be strengthened in Jesus for whatever lies ahead.


When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.Psalm 56:3





What’s on your heart today? Do you really know how to pour out your heart to your God? I want to challenge you with the thought of how you can use these Bible journaling ideas found in each of these pictures to draw and illustrate your own journal to Jesus. As you color and illustrate, pour out your heart to God about whatever struggles you are facing today, this week, this month, or this year.


Trust in him at all times, O people;
    pour out your heart before him;
    God is a refuge for us. Selah Psalm 62:8





Trusting in God’s name gives a deeper dimension to trust. When my children were babies and toddlers and woke up upset in the night or fell and hurt themselves, I would sit in the rocking chair and sing, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus to them and it amazed me how quickly the NAME of JESUS caused them to calm down in my arms. You might trust your car to be dependable, yet, you probably know it can break down. You can trust God fully because He will never break down on you! I literally copied this horse from somewhere (forgot where) and you can copy mine from here. Get your ideas from Pinterest of Jesus Journaling on Facebook and you will start learning to draw!


Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7



The Trust-Filled Printable Pack is a set of 7 beautiful digital printables for your quiet time.

This is a self-directed study for 30 days with verses to help you go deeper in your relationship with God.





Trust-Filled Printable Pack


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  1. Love it! Thank you for always being faithful and helping ideas to get close to the word of God. Because of you ! I love drawing babble journaling now. Thank you my sweet friend! And sister in Christ.

    1. You are always such and encouragement. So thankful to God that you are drawing and journaling too!

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