
5 Reasons Moms NEED a Summer Bucket List for Kids

A bucket list of activities to do with your kids is exactly what you need this summer! With your bucket list in hand, you’ll be prepared!

When your kids are out of school for the summer are they looking for an adventurous fun-filled summer?


You’ve come to the right place for ideas!

Creating a bucket list for your kids is the best way to keep them occupied and not-so-bored this summer!

1. Be Intentional and Make a Bucket List this Summer

No, really. Make a Summer Bucket List this summer.

Your kids will LOVE you and have the best memories because of it.

Even when life happens, it amazes me that my kids will reminisce about the good times as the bad times seem to fade.


Putting your ideas of:

  • Places to go!
  • Books to read!
  • Crafts you can do with your kids!

Making a summer bucket list will help you to remember all your good intentions and actually do them.

When life with kids in tow gets you stressed, the list will actually jog-your-brain and get you all back on track again.


But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14


2. Planning a Bucket List Turns Hot Summer Days into Adventures

As much as we look forward to those warm summer days when the heat soars and the kids get grumpy and fussy, it can become dreadfully hard to remember those great ideas stored in your head.

Wrap your head around making a list.

Do it!!

Pause and start your list now and turn your grumpy kids’ summer into an amazing adventure!!

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4

This was an amazing book that I used each year to get ideas to do with my kids!


3. When Your Kids are Bored & Bickering Have a Plan

Your kids might need direction. 

It helps to have an adventure that you planned at the beginning of the summer.

I can’t think when a baby is screaming, can you?

I can’t even remember what to do, let alone where my list is!!

Make that bucket list of exciting ideas and slip it into a plastic jelly-proof sheet and post it on the fridge.


If you forget that you have a plan, your kids will be sure to remind you that it’s time for an adventure!!  

4. Prepare Ahead with a Bucket List 

Making a list is all well-and-good, but if you haven’t gathered or purchased what’s needed for the activity you’ll still be up a creek without a paddle on a hot summer day!!

Make your Summer Bucket List and then from that, compile a list of supplies (if need be) and start gathering and purchasing ahead of time just a little at a time.

Don’t break the bank!!

5. Scale Down Your Commitments Over the Summer

I used to work outside-the-home when I only had two very young children. I worked at night, so it didn’t affect my absence from my children although it was extremely hard and I quit by the time our oldest was five.

Even though I homeschooled our children, my summers could fill up with my OWN bucket list.

It is possible to be an ‘at home’ mommy but be absent in spirit. Spending too much time on your own agenda cause kids to get irritable and fussy. Be sure to spend time with your kids each day.

So, consider your commitments and scale back where you feel led and you will never ever regret what you did!!


6. Your Kids Matter

There are so many things I want to do with my life right now but doing those things in excess will only bring frustration and overwhelm when they don’t all fit into my day.

My kids count for eternity.

Spending deliberate time with your kids or grandkids will count for something far greater than a clean house (though that is important.)

If you work-from-home, set your business hours and spend time with your kids.

It matters!

If you work outside the home, can you arrange your schedule so you have time for your kids?

It matters.

As women, we can quickly fill our hours with many other important things and not have much quality time for our kids.

Your kids matter.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5

They need you and the gift of your time because it will matter because you can be an influence in their lives for eternity!

Do you have children in your life? Are you making a Summer Bucket List? Tell me about it since mine is not exhaustive by any stretch of the imagination.

If you have found these Bible verses helpful and encouraging, I’d love for you to let mknow!!

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