How To Create Simple Lettering for Beginners


Have you ever seen the Bible journaling art and wished that you could create beautiful illustrations in your Bible too? You might not be a born artist, yet you have a desire to illustrate verses in your Bible.

There are some simple techniques that I want to share with you. They are doable even for the beginner.

You can do this!

When I was learning to write in cursive, we had to trace over the letters to learn the handwriting style being taught. I was expected to write with a fountain pen with perfect form and sizing of the letters. It wasn’t easy!

Even as an adult it is difficult at best to learn a few different fonts to write out the lettering for Bible journaling.



But it doesn’t have to be so complicated!


Why Bother with Simple Lettering?



I know at the end of the day you are exhausted from taking care of your kids or maybe some of you are caring for an aging parent. You have piles of responsibilities managing your home which includes laundry, cooking, cleaning, and driving those in your care to different appointments and activities.

Do you ever recharge?

You might feel guilty for taking time for just you, but if you do, you will be a better wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.

Have you ever thought of scheduling me-time? You know, that if you don’t, it won’t!!

That is why I have my Quiet Time written into my routine for the day.

You would be amazed at how uninterrupted (semi) alone-time can allow you to reflect and experience God’s presence as you read His Word.

Have you ever copied out a verse that spoke to your heart? If so, have you noticed how God seems so close as you slow down and carefully write out each word?

The Words in Scripture are God-breathed!

THAT is why you should bother learning to do simple lettering. You will feel the stress of the day leaving your body as the Holy Spirit helps you to create beauty through the letters you draw.


Wouldn’t you LOVE to READ MORE?


You are Invited to Join the Bible Journaling Workshop


You are invited to join me this fall over at A Little R and R with Rosilind Jukic for the Free Bible Journaling Workshop. We are participating with Good Morning Girls in the Word in the Making Your Home a Haven Challenge.

Each Wednesday during November, I will be sharing more ideas about creative Bible journaling art to help you make your Quiet Time more meaningful as you draw closer to Jesus.

This is really going to be easy-peasy. Let’s get started!






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