How To Make A Bible Journaling Basket for Your Quiet Time

Here’s how to make a Bible journaling basket so it’s easier to find your Bible and supplies for your Quiet Time.

You know it’s time to get up because the sound of your cell phone seems to be piercing the darkness.

You want to read your Bible but you don’t know where it is and your markers and pens must have wandered into one of your kid’s rooms.

If only you had your Quiet Time supplies all in one place!

I have just the solution for you!

A Bible Journaling Basket for your Quiet Time!

You might even offer your child a reward if your pens are returned, right?

Sometimes I have had a special space for my Quiet Time and in other seasons that hasn’t been possible.

Here’s the thing . . . even when I have that special place to meet with Jesus . . .

My Bible or my favorite pen or gel pen comes up missing.

When you have to go on a hunt for your favorite Bible (since most of us are blessed with more than one) it is easy to get discouraged or distracted and go on to something else.

Like washing the dishes that appeared in the sink overnight!

Or by the time you wasted 15 minutes looking for your Bible, the kids are up.

And in case you don’t think your favorite Bible can come up missing, come to my house!

I love taking my current favorite Bible to my bedside table, the kitchen, or um . . . the bathroom.

That is why I came up with the amazing idea of having a journaling Bible basket!

How To Make a Bible Journaling Basket for Your Quiet Time

Besides, I love to do creative journaling art and there is nothing worse than having everything scattered all over the house.

When it is all in one basket, it makes so much sense and makes life easier!

How To Make a Bible Journaling Basket

I am beyond excited about my basket idea!

The neat thing is that I went looking around the house and looked in closets and up in the attic for one. I found one that was being used for something else and repurposed it.

So, even though I am sharing some similar ideas from Amazon (my favorite place to shop) you can save yourself a bunch of money and use what you already have.

I found this big rectangular basket that I bought at Target. I also have an oval basket but to tell you the truth, I think the rectangle one fits the Bible perfectly.

What do you think?

All you have to do is collect your Bibles and supplies that you already have in your home and fill the basket. You will probably fill it up in no time!

What I Have in My Quiet Time Basket

How To Make a Bible Journaling Basket for Your Quiet Time

I love comparing different Bibles because the different words used in various versions often give clarity to what I was having trouble understanding.

Because my Bible journaling basket is a bit large, it is not easy to carry around the house. That helps me to keep it in one place and then it is always easy to find in the morning!

Has this inspired you to make a Bible Journaling Basket?

I hope so!

Get our Jesus Journaling Workbook!

Get Our Jesus Journaling Workbook

The Jesus Journaling Workbook is a beautiful 70-page e-book filled with digital printables for your Quiet Time.

This is a self-directed study as you read through the verse(s) on the Bible Reading Plan and journal how God is speaking to your heart.

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  1. I have been using a morning study basket for a while. I have one now but it is a 12in X 12in collapsable box and it is too small. I have been looking but can’t decide what would be a good size. What size is your basket? I really want to make it a conversation piece so when people enter my house my basket comes as a starting point for a discussion about Bible study and the importance of God in my life.

    1. To make your basket a conversation piece when people come to your home is such a wonderful idea. My basket is pretty big. It’s one of those baskets you can find at Target for closet organization. Mine might be 12in X 2ft. I’m not at home or I’d measure it 🙂

  2. what about transferring your Bible to and from church? I have a basket on my night stand with my bible and quiet time things I like to do for myself and I’m still figuring out taking my bible in and out for church. so far I’ve remembered it, but I do try to simplify things in my life

    1. I don’t take my journaling Bible to church. You can have a special bag for church with another Bible for church. I see many of my friends using pretty bags for their Bible or anything they want while at church. I have a slightly smaller Bible for church. I love underlining verses my pastor references during his message. I keep a couple gel pens in my purse for underlining. I solve my problem of forgetting to bring my Bible by keeping it in our car.

    2. I keep a Bible for church in my car and that way I don’t forget it. I don’t take the Bible I journal in to church.

  3. I have used to say idea for my every day at Bible time last few years it’s affectively working and you don’t have to stress about where your items are.

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